Waverly’s Costume Rank: ★★★★
Dad’s Costume Rank: ★★★
Ever since 2006, Waverly has fixated on the type of costume where she is seen as riding an animal. She has suggested many variations on the theme—riding a flamingo, a peacock, etc. Her girlish love of horses won out this time and Waverly became “the girl on a horse.”
This year we leaned heavily on my mother’s aid as we were busy with professional commitments. As usual, she came through with a tour de force example of her papier-mâché skills. We thought we could handle the body ourselves but after making what looked like a VW Thing, we instead crafted a rudimentary chicken-wire body and turned it over to her for finishing.
From the beginning of this process, we anticipated using brown wrapping paper for the exterior and not painting the costume in any way. The crowning touch was a mane made of die-cut cardboard used as a packing material. Another found object put to exquisite use. This made my mother’s heart grow ten sizes.
the big night
No candy in the horse’s mouth for us this time. We’ve learned our lesson.
The funniest part of the particular year’s adventure was watching Waverly get increasingly nervous about finishing the costume on time. We pretty much came in under the wire, finalizing everything the day of Halloween. Several days before, Waverly requested that the ostrich be brought down from the attic—she wanted a back-up just in case. Just goes to show her trust in our ability to finish.
Waverly had a great time this Halloween. It is now getting to the point where people provided specially made treat bags just for Waverly, which she loves. She is often hustled into homes so people can take her picture.
Waverly names most of her costumes. The giraffe is named “Princess Golden Sunshine, the ostrich is named “Ostrina” and the busker monkey is named “Elvis McDelvis.” She named the horse “Honeybun.”